Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Go baby go

Guess who is crawling? Yup, my little peapod is crawling like a big boy! I can't believe the milestones we have hit in just this week. He can sit himself up all by himself now and is even trying new foods. He usually only takes a few bites, but it's a huge thing for us!

Jacob is doing good. He is a regressing a bit with the potty training but the doctor said it was normal. He has been crawling around and saying "dada" so we figure it's because he watches Logan getting attention for all of his new milestones and feels left out. Don't worry, he gets PLENTY of attention. Nana and Papa have been taking him out for special lunches dinners once a week which has helped so much! He talks about it for days! I try and take him to the store by myself when Brad gets home so he can have some one on one time with me. We'll get there eventually!

I have started watching a 9 week old on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from about 7:30am to 5:30pm. It's a lot of work. Yesterday was my first day and I was in tears by the time he left. At one point I had Logan nursing on one side and Lucas eating the bottle on the other and somehow managed to get them both asleep and in their own beds. Today was much better and I'm going to give it a couple weeks to see if we adjust. If not, then it just wasn't meant to be. My kids come first and that's what I'm looking out for.

Other than that we have been crazy busy. October is always a busy month for us. Next weekend we are going to our first Halloween party together as a family which should be exciting!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crazy days

It has been a couple of crazy days around here. As I'm writing this Logan is dumping Jake's toys out his toy box and Jake is dumping all of his puzzles all over the floor. Yup, and guess who has to clean them all up tonight? :)

Logan turned 8 months old on Monday and boy does it seem like he has grown a bunch! He just looks so big to me. Even Brad said something about how he doesn't even seem like a little baby anymore. I can tell Brad is really ready for another baby (or at least to try for one) but we all know the story there. It won't be for another year or two before we try. It makes me sad, but I know it's best for my family right now.

I had a lady come over yesterday to interview for a child care position I'm trying to get. While she was here, she asked Jake if it would be ok if there was another baby here all day and Jake said "Jacob want a baby sister" lol. I should know this week if I got that gig or not.

Jacob has been a bear the past two days.. He has refused naps and that's so not like him! He has been taking 2-3 hour naps for the past 18 months! Oh I hope he's not giving up naps already!! So the past two nights he has been going to bed at 7:30pm, which is actually pretty nice! But I'd rather have that 2-3 hours of peace during the day!

He is still telling me to get out of the bathroom when he has to potty, too! He sits there and reads his magazine and doesn't want to get out lol. So much like his nana:)

It's going to be a busy next month for us! There are so many things on our calender. Apple Butter Fest, Pumpkin Farms, Apple picking, Boo at the Zoo and of course Halloween! There are 3 mom's night outs in October and one Family Night out, so our weekends are booked solid! It will make the month fly by and soon it will be Christmas!!

Ok I'm getting ahead of myself now;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We are finally cootie free in our house! Thank goodness! It's been a long two weeks and we are ready to see our friends again!

Jacob is doing great! He had a potty accident this morning and he looked at me with his big blue eyes and said "accidents happen" lol. How could you be mad after a statement like that:) He's been sleeping great in his big boy bed all night long and is talking like you wouldn't believe.

Logan is blossoming. He is becoming *gasp* a little boy. He doesn't seem like a baby to me anymore. He is "crawling" so fast. I took Jake to the potty today and came out and couldn't find Logan. He had crawled all the way to the kitchen and was heading to his favorite spot: under the table! He says dada all day and now says baba and mmmm and smacks his lips when he wants to nurse.

Slow down little guys, I have a feeling it's going to be a while before mommy has another baby so let me enjoy this!

Brad and I are doing great as well. Brad has his daddy night out last night with my dad. They went to a football party. My mommy night out is Saturday and I'm so excited! I don't have to rush to get home to feed Logan since he's taking a bottle! Woo hoo!

Time to go clean since both boys are sleeping!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jacobs Special Day

We took Jacob to the Playhouse Disney Live show yesterday afternoon. It was pouring rain so by the time we got inside we were soaked!! Then we stayed in line for almost 20 minutes to get a $8 drink, $10 popcorn, $10 cotton candy with a Handy Manny hat on it and a $18 light up toy. Yah, it was pretty outrageous but he loved it and deserved every bit of it. He was most excited about seeing Rocket and Goofy. We had pretty good seats and he was able to see everything really well. We just missed the confetti at the end by 2 rows.

Logan stayed home with my mom and my dad. It was the first time we have left him with anyone. He did GREAT! I pumped a bottle for him just in case we were longer than expected and when we came home 3 hours later the bottle was empty. My dad said he took it with no problem:)

Then I went out last night for 5 hours and pumped again and Brad said he started to get fussy and so he gave him the bottle and Logan drank it with no fuss and fell asleep!! Can you believe it?? He also ate baby food this morning (well about 10 bites but it was better than nothing).
It seems like we are finally getting out of this phase with Logan! Mom's night out is next weekend and I am sooo excited to be able to stay out as long as I need to!

I put the fall stuff out this weekend, too. Brad thinks it's to early, but I'm super excited! And then in about 3 weeks I can put the Halloween stuff out! Jacob keeps asking for it everyday!

We are finally cootie free and so ready to get out of the house! Hopefully we can do our mall play date with friends and Friday we are touring the fire station, which Jake is going to love!

All in all it's been a great weekend!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Logan has said his first word. Go figure it's dada!! Brad is just thrilled! I can see him smirk every time Logan says it, which is about every 3 minutes! Another reminder that my baby is growing up!

I took the boys to the doctor yesterday and Jake weighs a whopping 33 pounds!! I'm not starving that boy! Logan weighs 24lbs!!!

They both just have colds. The doctor said it is going around really bad and to just wait it out. Jacob has a double ear infection! This is his first one at 27 months old. I guess I should feel blessed that he hasn't had any before, but it still makes me sad. And now it makes sense why he was telling me that there were flies in his ear last week. Guess I should pay extra attention to those silly little things that he says.

So we are still here stuck in the house, but I think they are slowly getting better. Oh yah Logan only nursed ONCE last night! So nice to get some sleep!

I've gotta go, I hear my sick babies calling for mommy:)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Yup, we have the sickies again in our house. I'm not sure how we managed to get them again, but we did and it sucks. Jacob is the worst. We have a doctor's appointment today to have him checked out. He was up all night coughing so bad. Logan has just started coughing this morning, along with the runny noses and sneezing. Oh the wonderful sick season!

I am just hoping it's just a cold. The boys had RSV last winter, when Logan was 7 weeks old, and the doctor told us that because they got it so young that they are more likely to get it again. Great. Just pray it's just a cold.

Our baby fever has been put on hold due to the fact that I don't seem to ovulate on my own, not to mention that Logan is still nursing so I couldn't take Clomid anyways. I hated taking Clomid with Logan, it made me so grouchy. So we talked and we have two options. 1. Wait until Logan is a year and wean him so we can start Clomid (hopefully we won't need it this time *crosses fingers*) 2. Wait until Logan weans himself (which could be when he is 8 hehehe). Who knows. We both know we want another, so I guess when it happens it happens.

We are going to Playhouse Disney Live this weekend. Jacob has been talking about it all week! I'm hoping the boys are better by then:( My wonderful mother got us super good seats right up front so I'm excited to see Jake's face when they come off stage to shake the kids hands. He's gonna flip:)

So that's what's new in our next of the woods. Chaotic as always, but so worth it:)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Since I wrote about Jacob the other day, I thought I would write about all the wonderful things that Logan has been doing. YES, there is good news:)

Logan is officially an army crawler. He scoots his little butt over to his Drop and Roar Dinosaur and plays with the balls. He also pulls himself completely up holding on to his Dino, but cries because he doesn't know what to do after that:)

He also ate baby food today!!! I have been trying and trying and he finally gave in! He ate Turkey and Rice and Pears. He's also starting to babble and I know mama and dada will be right around the corner. I hope he says Dada first because I know Brad would feel on top of the world:)

He loves his daddy so much now, as long as he isn't hungry:) I can leave for a few hours and he is perfectly fine! He still won't take a bottle, but I got him to take a cup finally by putting Juice in it. Brad even gets him to sleep better than I can anymore:)

I was in such a hurry for him to grow up and now that it's happening I want him to slow down. I have even been thinking about his 1st birthday. It seems like Halloween will be here fast and then Thanksgiving and Christmas and then it's his birthday. WOW! I'll be a mommy to a 1 year old and a 2 year old. Crazy mama;)

All this growing up sure is giving me baby fever again;)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have just been in awe of Jacob this week. He has come out of his shell so much. It makes me sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I know soon enough he won't need mommy as much anymore. Happy because I know that he'll do just fine when mommy isn't around. He has warmed up to Brad so much since sleeping in his big boy bed since Brad puts him to sleep. Even when he wakes up at night, he asks for daddy. The first night it broke my heart because I felt like I wasn't needed, but I'm happy now because I know daddy needed that reassurance that he was needed.

Jacob use to be the kid who sat on mommy's lap during play dates and wanted nothing to do with the other kids that were playing. Now he happily joins them and has a great time. It just seems like he has transitioned overnight to a toddler instead of mommy's baby.

Nana and Papa took him out for ice cream and then to Walmart to buy a new toy since he has been such a good boy lately. He came home happy as a clam. He told me that Papa pushed him really fast in the cart and he was laughing. He told me that they ate at I-bop (I-hop) and Nana shared her food and sauce and then they ate ice cream. He had so much fun being the center of attention and I'm blessed that I have my parents so close to take him to have fun when I know he needs the extra attention.

I feel emotional today thinking about how fast he is growing. Pretty soon I'll be waving goodbye to him on his first day of school. Slow didn't little man, mommy isn't ready yet.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

End of Summer

We had a fun end of summer play date yesterday. A friend of Jacob's had a outdoor birthday party. It was a tad bit hot outside, but it didn't seem to bother Jake. He had a blast! He played by himself and barely noticed I was there, which everyone knows doesn't ever happen since he's so attached to me. He was swimming by himself and even was playing in the slip and slide. Today we went to the park with a couple friends and he was actually playing and talking. I think he may be finally outgrowing his "I need only mommy" stage. It makes me sad and happy at the same time.

There is finally some improvement with Logan!! I was afraid to post it on here because I didn't want to jinx it, but I think we're ok to talk about it:) He actually ate a meal on Friday, some avacado, carrots and a banana. He hasn't tried anything since then, but it's a start! He only nursed 4 times last night! This is amazing considering it use to be every hour.

My babes are growing up.

Well I must go get the little stinker in bed now before Logan wakes up from his nap:)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fall is in the air

You can smell fall in the air...and I LOVE it! I'm so excited to take the boys outside and not be dripping with sweat. I love to hear leaves crunching under your feet. I love how quiet the neighborhood is now that kids are in school. Ohhhh I just love it!

I have been internet browsing today trying to find a matching Halloween outfit for the boys. Just something cute wear when we go to the pumpkin patch or something like that. Brad thinks I'm ridiculous for dressing them the same. I just love it! I can't stop myself. That is one of the things I love about having my kiddos so close in age.

We bought the boys their halloween costumes months ago. Jacob is going to be Nemo and Logan is going to be Squirt. Brad is trying to change my mind and have us all be The Incredibles, but I don't want to spend the extra money. I'm not sure if I'll dress up or not this year.

I'm so excited for Jacob to go Trick or Treating this year. Last year he had the mysterious fevers he gets and we were stuck in the house watching kids from the window. I bet he will love it! He already has the Trick or Trick part down!!

We went to Sidecut Park this morning. Jacob was crawling all over the play equipment. He was afraid to stand up. We take the blame for this. We are so darn over protective with Jacob that we are scaring him. So we let him be and he did great! It was harder for Brad than me:)

Our camera broke so we didn't get any pictures...bummer!

After the playground we walked to the river. Jacob had a blast walking in the shallow parts and finding tadpoles and craw fish...aka crabbies to Jake:) It was such a beautiful day and I am sad for Brad to go back to work tomorrow but I guess someone needs to work around here ;)