Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Forget it

Well as you can see I haven't posted every day like I wanted to, but I have good reasons. I've been in the hospital twice since Thanksgiving for these stupid kidney stones so I've just been trying to do what I can. I'll try and play catch up but I have no idea what days these are from.

Our little horse drawn carriage rideLogan painting his cup for Santa

Jacob painting the plate for Santa's cookies

Snowman pancakes (Logan ate everything but the M&M's) ha

Jacob at his Christmas program next to his best friend Kaiden

Logan opening his Christmas gift from Greyson

Jacob open his Christmas gift from Ayla

Logan writing his letter to Santa

Jacob's which he wrote his own name!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 6-10

Hmmm, I got a little behind so let me see if I remember what we did ;)

Day 6- We woke up and painted our yearly ornaments. Jacob just wanted to hurry up so he could sprinkle glitter on it. Logan had such a great time! He loves anything artsy this was right up his ally. Jacob painted a snowman and Logan painted a Santa. After they dried, they both picked spots on the tree they wanted their ornaments to go. I can't wait for them to look at their yearly ornaments when they are older....

That night we went to the Lights Before Christmas at the zoo. Nana, Papa, Misty and Alex joined us. Logan LOVED every minute of this! It was a bit chilly, but the boys did awesome! I think Jacob's favorite part was the Hot Cocoa!

Day 7- We did our gingerbread house Monday night after dinner. I hot glued it this year so the boys wouldn't pull it apart. It worked perfectly! Jacob had a great time decorating it and I think Logan put one gum drop on the house and 10 in his mouth :)

Day 8- Mama was lazy this night so we watched Christmas movies!! The boys didn't mind a bit :) Oh yah and we ate Christmas cookies! That counts right? :)

Day 9- Ok ok mama had another lazy night! I made chili for dinner because it was FREEZING and Nana and Papa came over and watched a Christmas movie with us!

Day 10- We painted paper plate wreaths after nap time and the boys decorated them with gems. Again, I think Logan had the most fun! He just loves to paint and color. After dinner we went to this little museum and saw Santa and Mrs. Claus. Jacob went right up to him and sat on his lap and told him just what he wanted for Christmas. Logan wouldn't go near him so I had to inch as close as I could to get him in a picture. Afterwards Mrs. Claus gave the boys a candy cane and Logan decided it was ok to give Santa high five! We went and looked around at all the Christmas trees in the museum! It turned out to be a great night!! I'm tired ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 3

Please remember Day 4 was void since I was in the hospital.

On Day 3 I was in a lot of pain so we did a quick and easy craft. The boys decorated Christmas trees that I cut out. They had a blast with the stickers and I am still finding glitter in their hair. We also watched Polar Express that night so I suppose it counts :)

Day 5

So I'm being polish and doing Day 5 first :) Tonight we went out to eat with Papa and drove around looking at Christmas lights for a good hour. I don't know who enjoyed it more, the boys or Papa :) When we got home we made our Santa's and at this moment the boys are watching Mickey's Christmas special! It was a perfect Saturday evening :)

ps. Please don't mind how crappy I look, please remember I passed 2 kidney stones today...:)


Well My 3rd day of Christmas project will be up later tonight when I upload pics but my 4th day is exisitant. Although I do have a good reason, I was in the hospital with kidney stones...AGAIN! So we'll do a re-do and I'll upload all the pictures tonight after the boys go to bed.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 2

Yesterday we made our footprint/ hand print reindeer. I was going to use paint but Logan would have freaked out! And surprisingly he let me trace his hands and his feet for the first time without a fuss so this craft was fun for all of us!

I also gave them their Christmas Jammies. Of course they were matching and the boys loved that Santa was on them!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

25 days of Christmas

We decided to start a new family tradition this year. We are going to do some kind of Christmas activity or craft every day until Christmas. Along with that, we will be reading a different Christmas story before bedtime every night.

Last night we made our foam Gingerbread house. Logan didn't get into it at first, but slowly caught on. Jacob loved it. He loves all things Christmas. Every morning he goes to the window and asks if it snowed yet. Luckily for him, we should have flurries tomorrow ;)

I'm going to try and post everyday, but we'll see how that goes.

Mommy and Jacob

Logan trying to help

Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's a......

Well we decided to find out what we are having afterall. Brad and I rescheduled our ultrasound for this week and decided not to tell anyone. It was extremely hard not telling my mom because I wanted to scream "We're gonna know soon!!!!"

We went into the office and the tech was focusing on the babies face most of the time because that's what my midwife ordered. He/She has the cutest little face and little nose. He/She likes to suck their thumb already and is curled up nicely in mommy's belly.

Finally it was time to look between the legs. I was so nervous! I knew I would have been happy with whatever we saw, but I was still so nervous! At first she could get the baby to open it's legs.
And then....there it was.....clear as day.....

The newest member of our house.....will be a little princess named Emmerson <3

We are over the moon excited!! Brad is still in shock! Jacob can't stop talking about his baby sister named Emmerson that we can call Emme, too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boo at the Zoo

Today was Boo at the Zoo. We headed over right after preschool and to Jake's surprise he saw his teacher there. He was so excited!!

The boys did better than I expected this year, although Logan would keep his feet or his hat on, but at least the costume wasn't a big deal to him :)


Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch fun!

We went to Trabbic Family Farm on Saturday for our annual pumpkin patch trip. We missed out last year because of Logan's nursing habits but the year before that it was pretty mild. We were all in sweatshirts, but this year was much different. It was freezing! We weren't there for long because poor little Logan was freezing his butt off! We rode the pumpkin train, visited the animals and then headed inside to pay for our pumpkins, cider and donuts.

Although it was cold, the boys had a blast and slept really good for nap time :) This week comes our ultrasound tomorrow morning, Boo at the Zoo, Mom's night out Halloween party and trick or treating Saturday night!! Fun Fun!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jacob's first movie

Jacob and I went on our first little date on Saturday. We went to see Spookly the Square pumpkin. I didn't grab him one of the little boosters they had for the kids so he kept falling in the chair but he loved it! He kept grabbing my hand and saying "Mommy, I love movies" and when we were done he asked me if we go on another date again. These are the little moments that I love.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall 2009

Well fall 2009 has started off down right cold!! I can't believe my boys are wearing winter coats, hats and mittens already!!

We have an exciting next couple of weeks ahead of us. This week Jacob has a field trip to the pumpkin farm, then we are going to our favorite pumpkin farm on Saturday as a family. My brother comes home on Sunday and we couldn't be more excited about it! It has been 6 months!!

And then we find out what little squish is going to be on Tuesday!! I am beyond excited, no matter what this baby is! I just want to put a name to the little bumps and kicks I am receiving inside my belly!

October is one of my favorite months so look for lots and lots of pictures from all the activities will be participating in!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

More on preschool

Well since Jacob has been there for 2 weeks I figured I'd do a follow up on preschool. I drop him off every morning and Logan goes right for the fish tank. I usually help Jacob put his bag in his cubby and then sit him down at his desk for his morning activity. Then I have Logan say "bye bye" to the fish (which is the only way I can get him to leave) and he gives Jacob a hug and a kiss and we leave. Jacob never even looks back :) Once we get in the car, Logan pats on Jacob's seat and says "Jake" while being very confused as to why Jacob isn't with us. When we pick Jake up, Logan goes right to the fish tank again and I help Jacob gather up his papers and his bag. On Tuesday I asked the teacher how Jacob was doing and she said "He's doing great, but he gets a little distracted from time to time." I said to her "Uh, he's a boy and he's 3." Well then I saw their class photo on their website and this is what I saw:
Notice Jacob in the background in the green stripes...completely oblivious to what is going on :) Ok ok so maybe he does get a bit distracted :)

On Thursday I went to get him and his teacher told me that he had a little accident. He asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher waited outside. Well Jacob hasn't really mastered buttons yet, and mommy decided to put him in his cute little Gap Jeans without teaching him out to unbutton them himself. Poor guy came out with went pants because he couldn't do it. So I gave his teacher permission to help him until we learn. Bad bad mommy :)

He never tells us about his day until hours later, usually at the dinner table. He told us what kind of snack he had and then proceeded to tell us his teachers names! I was so proud of him for knowing them already!

Then I asked him what he learned and he told me that the letter M made the "mmmmm" sound and that he learned that Jesus made the peoples :)

So far so good in the land of preschool :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day Of Preschool

Jacob had his first day of preschool on Tuesday. It was a smooth transition and he didn't even care that I was leaving. I was fine since I was still at the school since the parents had to attend a parents meeting. Thursday when I took him and dropped him off he just said "Bye mom, love you" and that was it. I was fine until I got in the car and Logan tapped on Jacob's car seat and said "Jake?" I cried like a little baby.

But then I picked him up 2.5 hours later and he was fine! He talks about how much fun he has and how he wishes he could go everyday. It seems like just yesterday he was a little baby and now he's such a big boy. There is this song that my mom and my aunt talk about the all the time and I swear it brings me to tears every time I hear it.

"Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here comes another one....

Well almost all of you know already but I thought I should record this in my blog. We are expecting our 3rd baby! We found out almost 2 weeks ago. I started feeling a little queasy and it had lasted almost 3 days so after working out with my aunt one night I went and got a pregnancy test. Ok I am a pee on a stick addict and I've seen so many negative tests that I almost didn't look. Before I was even done going I look down and there were to clear positive lines! I freaked! Brad freaked and told me to go get a digital just to be sure. So I ran out and took it and this is what we saw:

So there ya have it! We are thrilled! I am very very sick with this baby so I haven't got to excited yet, but I'm sure it will come. First step in this adventure is buying a van. We are going tomorrow night to look!

I had my first appointment yesterday and I have to say I love this new place. I am delivering with a midwife again. They got me on some medicine to hopefully help my sickness and then I had an ultrasound. Little Squish looks healthy and great! Heartbeat was 132.

So here goes our crazy life :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yah me!

I don't ever blog about myself because honestly nothing ever exciting happens to me. I started weight watchers a week ago. I have been really strict on myself...even giving up pop completely!! Well it all paid off because in my first week I lost 5.6 pounds!!!! I got my special 5lb sticker and a little "hooray party" It was so exciting! I actually almost cried when she asked me what this meant to me and I explained how it's been really hard getting pregnant this time around because of the extra weight I am carrying and all I want for Christmas is to lose my 35lbs and get pregnant. It was bittersweet! So yah me! I'm off to a great start!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I suck at blogging

I'm trying to blog more, but by the time I remember to get on here to write one of the kids needs me and well you know how that goes.

The boys had their doctor's appointments today. Jacob was there for his 3 year appointment. When we got in the office he said "Where is Dr. Haider" It was so cute because it was the first time he ever remember his name! Which I love since he is going to preschool and will know this one his own! Oh yah and he also knows his full name, his mom and dads full name his brothers. Ok ok off track. Jacob loves stepping on the big boy scale! He weighs 36lbs!! He is 38' tall now, too! Everything went well and Jacob got his medical go ahead for preschool!

Logan was there for his 18 month appointment. Oh how Logan hates the doctors. As soon as the nurse asked him to sit on the scale, he screamed. When the nursed took his temp he cried. When the nurse measured his head, he screamed. Oh man and when he had to lay down to be measure he freaked out! But of course as soon as they are done he is peachy! He wasn't to sure about Dr. Haider until he saw his big brother give him a hug. Then it wasn't to bad :) Logan had to get one shot today, but he did awesome! Of course the sucker afterwards helped! Logan still weighs 24lbs! He has been 24lbs since 11 months old! He is 32".

So both boys are growing like weeds and doing well! We are trying to enjoy our cool summer and anxiously waiting our favorite time of year, fall and winter!! We are so excited for Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas with the boys this year!!

Stayed tuned for pictures!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer 2009

Summer 2009 is already flying by so fast! I feel like I never have a minute to update this. I'm going to try some more because I want to try and print this off at the end of the year for the boys' scrapbooks.

Let's see what have we been doing? We had a surprise birthday party for my dad on the 3rd of July and then afterwards we all went to the fireworks. We got there at 6:30pm and the fireworks didn't start until 10:15pm so I was a little worried how the boys would be for 4 hours. They were awesome! My dad took Jacob to go get his face painted but he chickened out and got his arm done instead.
Logan had a blast rolling around all over the ground. He was dancing to the music and waving at the all the people! Logan also had a first at the fireworks! Funnel Cake! He sat down with Nana and Aunt Misty and loved it! He was taking his little pieces and dipping it in the powdered sugar! So cute!
Stay tuned since we are hopefully planning our first camping trip soon!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby

How in the world are you 3 years old already?? We woke up together snuggling on the morning of your birthday and I sat there wondering how long you were going to be into that. I told you "Happy Birthday baby" and you smiled and said "Happy Birthday Mommy."

Your birthday party was great this year! You were such a good boy and so excited about every present that you opened. At one point you opened a gift and yelled "Oh my God, I wanted this" I think it was bubbles :)

I feel like you woke up the next morning and were all of a sudden a big boy. I feel like it was yesterday when I found out that I was pregnant with you. I remember finding out you were a baby boy and being so happy that I was getting a mama's boy, and that's exactly what you are. I remember being so scared that you came a few weeks early, but you were such a trooper and was only in the NICU for a day.

I think about your 1st birthday and then 2nd and now 3rd and it's all a little bittersweet.

You keep asking daddy if he will take us back to Disney World for Christmas and I think you are wearing him down:) You remember everything, it's crazy. You still remember a birthday party that you went to last summer! You remember everything about it! You remember every detail about Disney and remind me everyday that it rained the whole time:)

We only have 2 more months until you are in preschool and that is just crazy to me. I know you will be fine though. You have blossomed into such a beautiful little boy and I am so proud of you. I love you baby!