Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just like his mama

Jacob told Brad to look at his underwear the other day. Brad looked and said "Wow Jacob those are awesome". Jacob looked at him and said "Thanks! We got them on sale" haha so my child:)

Monday, February 23, 2009

More Jacobisms

Oh what a weekend it has been. I am extra tired during the week anymore since I have been working weekends with my mom. Poor Jake cries every time I leave now. He watches me put on my coat and says "Please mommy, don't leave me. Daddy go to work" I try to explain to him that mommy is only working for a couple months and that she is making money for our summer vacation, but of course at that moment he doesn't understand nor does he care. Logan has been doing fine with me leaving, just nursing more at night when I get home (is that even possible?).

Ok on to the silly things Jacob has been doing/saying this past week.

We went to the doctors last week because a mysterious rash that Jacob had. The doctor was talking to him and asked him what he likes to do and he said "I kill little duckies" Of course my face was so red! I had no idea where it came from. Later that night we got home and he wanted to watch Shrek 2 and Shrek said "cute little duckies" and Jake said " Yah mommy CUTE little duckies" Thank goodness!!! I was a bit worried about that one!

We were eating dinner the other night and Brad told him that he didn't get an dessert if he didn't eat his food and he said "Oh for the love of pete steak" LOL I always say for the love of pete sake of course, but Jacob thought I was saying steak:)

He is becoming a sneaky little boy. I believe it's Karma. I was a sneaky little girl. My mom will tell you stories about how I unwrapped all my Christmas presents one year and wrapped them all back up, only I didn't realize she used special tape!

I woke up this morning to find that Jacob wasn't in his room. I went to the kitchen to find him sitting on the floor eating mommy's girl scout cookies:) He sneaks snacks all the time.

He came running out of his room telling me that he loves to draw on he walls. I asked him where he drew and he showed me behind the tv (yup in pen) and on his bedroom wall with crayon. I told him mommy will get him paper when he wants to draw. Silly boy!

This is such a fun age!

Friday, February 20, 2009

No pictures for a little while

Why you ask? Oh yah it's because I dropped our lens in the bathtub. I was giving the boys a bath and decided that I wanted to take a picture of them because they were being so darn cute and being nice to each other!! Well then little Logan decided to "swim" in the water and I of course jumped after him and so did my lens. Gah! So basically it's $200 to get a new one and well we'll have to wait and see when we get it!

On a good note, my boys are being extra lovable today! They have been very sweet to each other. We don't get many days like this. Usually they are fighting over toys, even though we have millions of them. Today they both were playing with silence!! I think we are slowly getting there.

When I was pregnant with Logan I would often day dream about how our lives would be as a family of 4. I didn't think about Logan as a baby and Jake holding him. I didn't think about them reading books together. I thought of them in the first summer that Logan was walking. I thought of them playing outside and swinging. I thought of them running through the sprinkler together and playing with bubbles. I cannot wait until this spring/summer. I can't wait to see their sun kissed little faces playing and running together. This is why the chaos of having two kids 19 months apart is worth it!

Jacob was coloring at the table the other day and he was singing a funny song. I was talking to Brad and said " I don't know where this kid came from" and Jacob replied " I came from Disney World mommy" LOL

It keeps getting better and better!

Check out these cute shoes!

Aren't these the cutest things you ever seen??

Monday, February 16, 2009

Birthday party pictures! (a month late) and updates

Jacob opening his "big brother" gift

Logan sort of opening his!

Playing with his cupcake
My cute birthday boy!

Jake had no problem eating it!

So sue me....Logan has a bad mommy! I can't find time to post on here and usually when I do find time somebody wakes up before I finish typing this.

Logan had a great birthday party! We had yummy food and he got lots and lots of Elmo presents! He of course wouldn't touch his cupcake, but liked playing with it! Jacob had no problem eating his share:)

And now an update on the boys.

Oh my Jacob is becoming such a little character. He keeps me laughing all day with the things he says. His new thing is telling us that he's not a kid anymore. Who knew he would grow up so fast! He is 100% potty trained and we don't even have to ask him if he has to go pee anymore, he just tells us whenever he needs to go. He loves outside and I can't wait for spring/summer so we can spend our days outside.

Logan is slowly growing up. He still loves to nurse, but is doing great at night! He has cut down his night nursings almost in half and during the day he is easily distracted by food or cups when he wants to nurse! Soon enough! He is trying to talk, but the only words I have been able to understand is "Bad, fishy, dada, mama, ball and up" When he walks into the room Jacob always says "Here comes that trouble boy" LOL

They have been playing together lately. Usually when they are both in Jakes room there is screaming and crying, but the other day it was completely quiet. We went in there and they had pulled the drawers under Jacobs bed out and they were both sitting in there playing. They sat there for almost 45 minutes!

Ahh brotherly love! We'll get there someday! Stay tuned:)

Monday, February 9, 2009


Yup, it hit us. The dreaded pukes that has been going around for months and months has finally hit us...and boy did it hit us hard. I started early Saturday and the boys followed slowly after. It has been a nasty nasty weekend and I am happy to say we are slowly feeling better.

Poor Jacob doesn't understand. He gets so upset when he pukes. It's like he thinks it's bad thing and he's going to get in trouble. We put him in diapers just in case since with this bug comes the runs, but he never had an accident the first day so he went back in his undies and was able to tell us every time he had to go.

Logan threw up a couple times, but he was easy since his diet mostly consist of milk. Speaking of, my milk has taken a drastic turn. I can tell my supply has dropped so much. I couldn't eat or drink anything for almost 3 days. Logan has been getting so mad while nursing because he's once over supply isn't there anymore. I was really torn between just letting it dry up or to follow with my plans of child led weaning. I guess we'll see what happens.

Luckily daddy didn't catch the bug and was able to help us all weekend, thank goodness, because I really don't know how we would have made it through.

So that's why I haven't been around. I will try and upload some pictures this weekend!