Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boo at the Zoo

Today was Boo at the Zoo. We headed over right after preschool and to Jake's surprise he saw his teacher there. He was so excited!!

The boys did better than I expected this year, although Logan would keep his feet or his hat on, but at least the costume wasn't a big deal to him :)


Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch fun!

We went to Trabbic Family Farm on Saturday for our annual pumpkin patch trip. We missed out last year because of Logan's nursing habits but the year before that it was pretty mild. We were all in sweatshirts, but this year was much different. It was freezing! We weren't there for long because poor little Logan was freezing his butt off! We rode the pumpkin train, visited the animals and then headed inside to pay for our pumpkins, cider and donuts.

Although it was cold, the boys had a blast and slept really good for nap time :) This week comes our ultrasound tomorrow morning, Boo at the Zoo, Mom's night out Halloween party and trick or treating Saturday night!! Fun Fun!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jacob's first movie

Jacob and I went on our first little date on Saturday. We went to see Spookly the Square pumpkin. I didn't grab him one of the little boosters they had for the kids so he kept falling in the chair but he loved it! He kept grabbing my hand and saying "Mommy, I love movies" and when we were done he asked me if we go on another date again. These are the little moments that I love.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall 2009

Well fall 2009 has started off down right cold!! I can't believe my boys are wearing winter coats, hats and mittens already!!

We have an exciting next couple of weeks ahead of us. This week Jacob has a field trip to the pumpkin farm, then we are going to our favorite pumpkin farm on Saturday as a family. My brother comes home on Sunday and we couldn't be more excited about it! It has been 6 months!!

And then we find out what little squish is going to be on Tuesday!! I am beyond excited, no matter what this baby is! I just want to put a name to the little bumps and kicks I am receiving inside my belly!

October is one of my favorite months so look for lots and lots of pictures from all the activities will be participating in!!