I've had that stinkin song in my head all day.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw8W6hYGZ0EToday I went to a funeral. This was an extremely sad funeral because it was for a 12 year old little boy. A friend of mines son passed away on Tuesday. He had asthma bad, went into cardiac arrest and died in his mother's arms.
This situation has drained me. I find myself crying constantly for my friend. I cannot imagine how she must feel. The night we went up to the hospital she looked so tired. I couldn't stop crying. I had to walk out of the room numerous times. I tried to be strong for her, but all I could think about were my own kids.
Today was the funeral and she was calm. She had color back to her face and even was smiling! She made a speech and told everyone that although this was hard on her and her family, her son had asthma for 12 years and struggled everyday and she felt at peace to know that he was in heaven feeling no pain.
I have been hugging my babies extra tight the past week and trying to make sure that I'm not sweating the small stuff. Life is so short. Look at my little family. I feel like just yesterday I was bringing my brand new baby boy home and here we are with 3 kids, one about to be 3, one about to be 5 and the other about to be 1 already.
So please kiss your babies, kiss your husband, don't go to bed mad, make sure you take that extra 5 minutes at night to read them a story. When they are bugging you all day to play the silly and messy Elephfun game, PLAY it. Because you truly never know when it's your time.