Wednesday, August 27, 2008


How could you be mad at a face like that?

So you can now call my house the cootie house now. All of us our sick except Brad. I woke up to Logan choking while nursing because his nosed was so stuffed and me with a scratchy throat. Blah, the one thing I hate about the weather change.

I went to a little get together with the mom's group yesterday. There was a professional organizer there 'trying' to teach us how to get organized, though I think I got more ideas from the fellow mom's more than I got from her.

I also go tons of amazing advice from all the girls. They all know and are so understand when it comes to Logan's "problems". Nicole let me borrow her "NO Cry Sleep Solution" book and I feel good about it. I just started reading it today.

I left the meeting determined to stop breastfeeding. I walked through the door and the house was quiet for the first time. The boys were playing with daddy in Jake's room and Logan didn't even cry when he first saw me. He ALWAYS freaks out when I'm gone for a while and then cries until I nurse him. He was fine. I think that was my sign not to stop. He's fine when I leave for a couple hours, and I'll start pumping to leave a bottle just in case he gets hungry. Like the girls said "He'll eat if he's that hungry" I feel good about that decision.

So here we are stuck in the house....:)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We've had a chaotic day so far and it's only 2:30pm. Jacob is still sick and just whining about everything. He wants to be held and has asked to be rocked all day long. He hasn't asked to be rocked since he was like 10 months old.

Logan is just being Logan.

My dad was over today and could see I was getting frustrated. He reminded me something. They won't be little forever, why stress so much? He's 100% right. What's the point? What's the point at yelling when Jacob gets stamp ink all over his hands and desk. The mess can be cleaned.

What's the point of being so irritated at Logan wants to nurse all day and night. I'm going to blink my eyes and soon he'll be telling me not to kiss him in front of his friends.

It's not fair to my kids to be so stressed during the day. Who cares if I don't get the house clean during Logan's nap, spending craft time with Jacob is much more important. Who cares if my kids are wearing jammies all day because the laundry hasn't been done, playing outside with my kids is such a joy.

So I am trying something new starting today. No more stressing about the small things. It's just not worth it. I often get in the mind frame that my life is so chaotic and stressful, but it could be so much worse. There are so many people out there with real problems and I stress about cheerios being stuck in my rug.

I am truly blessed, now it's time to act like it.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I feel like I have spent the majority of the day cleaning up boogies. Yup, Jake is still sick! Poor little guy! I have had his NUK in his mouth all day so he doesn't chew on the same things Logan does. Pray that Logan doesn't catch this:)

Speaking of Logan, he has decided to start pulling himself up on things now. It's not fun! He falls almost as fast as he pulls himself up. He'll get it soon.

Jacob has been learning new words like crazy! He came up to me today while Logan was nursing and said "Bubby eat mommy's milk, Jake eat food" It was adorable:)

We have been thinking about enrolling Jake in preschool at a local Montessori school just down the road. We are still on the fence about it and are taking a tour of the place tomorrow. I still very much want to home school, but seeing as how "attached" Jake still is at 2, we are maybe looking into other options.

We have also been thinking about baby #3. No, we aren't trying yet, just trying to figure out when the right time is. I so desperately want a girl! I of course would be thrilled if it was another boy, but I dream of pink and bows! Brad actually agrees with me on this one:)

Oh yeah, guess who is sleeping in his OWN bed?? Yup, my beautiful 26 month old that has slept with me since he is born in venturing out. He has been waking up a couple times a night (which he has slept through the night since he was 6 weeks old) but I figure it's because he is trying to get use to it.

Gotta go make dinner:)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

So here we go

I guess this is the new "cool" thing to do so I thought I'd give it a try. A couple girls in the mom's group have these so it can't be that hard and it's probably a good thing so out of town family can see what is happening with our family.

We just got back from seeing Thomas this weekend. I can't even explain the look on Jacob's face when he saw Thomas coming around the track. It is a memory that I will hold forever. I even had tears in my eyes. To know that this is his "dream" at 2 years old and we were able to fulfill it was amazing.

We had a blast on our 40 minute train ride! Logan slept most of the time, but the time he was awake he loved it, too! Jake had a hobo lunch and went shopping at the most amazing gift shop that you could ever imagine!

It's 10:30pm and my bedtime so I'm going to leave you with one picture and I'll post more tomorrow during nap time.