Sunday, September 7, 2008


Since I wrote about Jacob the other day, I thought I would write about all the wonderful things that Logan has been doing. YES, there is good news:)

Logan is officially an army crawler. He scoots his little butt over to his Drop and Roar Dinosaur and plays with the balls. He also pulls himself completely up holding on to his Dino, but cries because he doesn't know what to do after that:)

He also ate baby food today!!! I have been trying and trying and he finally gave in! He ate Turkey and Rice and Pears. He's also starting to babble and I know mama and dada will be right around the corner. I hope he says Dada first because I know Brad would feel on top of the world:)

He loves his daddy so much now, as long as he isn't hungry:) I can leave for a few hours and he is perfectly fine! He still won't take a bottle, but I got him to take a cup finally by putting Juice in it. Brad even gets him to sleep better than I can anymore:)

I was in such a hurry for him to grow up and now that it's happening I want him to slow down. I have even been thinking about his 1st birthday. It seems like Halloween will be here fast and then Thanksgiving and Christmas and then it's his birthday. WOW! I'll be a mommy to a 1 year old and a 2 year old. Crazy mama;)

All this growing up sure is giving me baby fever again;)


cnbsmom said...

Awww. I'm glad to hear you have had success with the food and sippy cups. Isn't it funny how them growing up can make you want another!!!!

Scribbles and Splatters said...

Yay Logan! That is awesome news :)

I'm getting baby fever too... why do they have to grow up so fast?