Easter was great this year:) I had so much fun shopping for their easter baskets. I got a lot of the little toys last year the day after at 50% off so they had way to much stuff. I hid each toy and candy in little eggs so they had to open everything. Logan had a blast opening each egg to see his new Little People. Jacob was so much fun this year:) He was excited about everything he opened and said "thank you easter bunny" after opening each egg.
After going through their baskets (and sneaking candy) we went to breakfast with nana and papa. We had Easter dinner at our house this year so the boys were a bit overwhelmed with my large family here, but had a blast! It took them forever to find the 57 eggs a piece they had to find for our annual family egg hunt. Jacob was caught sneaking candy every so often:) Needless to say he crashed about 7:30pm:)
The weather was decent so we even got to eat outside, which Jacob had been waiting for forever!
Now our next adventure is planning for Sesame Place in June:) FUN!
Cute!!!! I love their shirts!!!!
Brandi..... you did a great job hosting Easter Dinner. A good time was had by all... except maybe Aunt Suzi and her eye;
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