Let's start with Jacob. Oh my Jacob. He's becoming such a big boy. I seriously look at him and want to cry. He's turning 4 in a few short months and I honestly have no idea how it came so fast. I know people say "It seems like yesterday" but it seriously feels like yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital in his preemie clothes, which now fit on his teddy bears :) He loves preschool and has had the same "best friend" since day one. He is so polite and respectful. He loves his baby sister so much. About once a day he tells me "Mommy, thank you so much for getting Emmerson out of your belly."
It has been an amazing thing to watch how much he has come out of his shell since starting preschool. I remember last year when we would go to playdates he would stay by my side and not play. But now he barely knows I'm there. I didn't think it would happen so soon, but he won't give me a kiss on the lips anymore either. He either gives me his cheek or forehead. My little guy is growing up on me. Pretty soon he will be slamming his bedroom or in my face :(
He loves his baby sister like crazy though. He wants to hold her all the time. Today though, I left her on the floor on a blanket and went to the kitchen, which literally was 10 feet away and came back 3 seconds later to find my 10 day old daughter with a piece of pop tart in her mouth. I explained to Logan that although it is very nice to share with his baby sister, she doesn't eat food yet. Of course that resulted in a full on temper tantrum on the floor :) I think it's safe to say Brad and I are scared to see what 3 is like with Logan :)
She fits so perfectly in our family. I feel so complete and I have never been happier. Can't wait to see what the next couple months hold for us <3
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