Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Couting down the days

Jacob keeps asking me if it's Friday yet. He has been doing this since Monday because he knows he gets to go Trick or Treating on Friday:) I have tried and tried to get him to say Trick or Treat, but he will only do it for Brad and I and as soon as we get around people he says "Please Peoples" which is so cute in itself.

We carved two pumpkins this week. Jacob wanted nothing to do with it really because he thought it was full of cheese and we don't play with our cheese. Logan on the other hand was trying so hard to get inside the pumpkin.
Logan learned something new this week! He can clap his hands now:) As soon as you say "yahhh" he starts clapping and it almost sounds as though he is trying to say "yah" now. Another reminder that my baby isn't such a baby anymore. He has slept through the night twice this week, too! Such big milestones for such a little guy!

Jacob has been showing interest in the potty again! Hopefully I can get his butt back in big boy underwear before Christmas! It's so hard because I know he can do it since he was 100% trained for almost 5 months. He'll get there:)

We are still on the hunt for a bigger house. And my baby fever is still around. ;)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Little Boo at the Zoo

We went to Little Boo at the Zoo yesterday with the mommy group. Jacob had a lot of fun eating all the treats as soon as he got them. By the time we made it to the car, he had no more in his bag:)

My boys looked so cute in their costumes! It made me super excited about future Halloweens and how I can dress them a like next year, too:)

Last night we carved pumpkins. Jacob loved taking his scooper in there and pulling the "cheese" out. Yes, he thought the pumpkin was filled with cheese. Logan kept sticking his arms in there, too. He thought it was funny and kept looking at us like he was doing something wrong. I'll try and upload pictures of that later.

I have been working out again. The first day kicked my butt, but I'm starting to get use to it. I am so determined to lose the weight before we get pregnant again:)

Also, we are looking for a bigger house. We are busting out of the seams here. I am in desperate need of a play room or something for all of these toys. We'll let you know how it goes.

We are in for a busy weekend if the rain holds out. Lots of trick or treating and costume contests so hopefully we'll have more pictures this weekend!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Frenzy

It's been so crazy around here this week, which is why I haven't had a chance to sit down and write in here.

Let's see, where do we start?

Logan got his top two teeth last week! They came all the way out in about 3 days, which was a horrible 3 days for me because he wouldn't sleep and used me as a teether. But now they are out and as cute as can be:) He even has the same big gap like Jake;) He is crawling with no problem now and is into everything! I take him in for his 9 month appointment tomorrow so I'm excited to see how much he weighs:) Yup, he's 9 months old tomorrow! I can't believe in a short 3 months he will be 1 year old. I just can't believe it!

Jacob is been, well he has been a bit of a handful. He has more good days than bad, but the bad days stink:) One a good note, he is sleeping on his own now. Sometimes it takes a couple times going in his room to lay him back down, but most times he falls asleep with no problem once I shut the light off.

I finally am going to the gym to kick my butt back into shape. I want to wear my size 6 jeans again before I get pregnant again!

Fall festivities are keeping us busy for the next two weeks. We have Boo at the Zoo on Thursday, Trick or Treating at Levis Commons on Friday, Old Navy Trick or Treating Saturday morning and then a Halloween Hike Saturday evening. Sunday we are going to the zoo again for the Pumpkin Path. We are exhausted but in a good way:)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Jacob has the cootie bug again!! I am so bummed! This makes three times already this fall. Poor guy! He had a little runny nose last night and then was up basically all night complaining that his "nose is stuck". And then this morning it was just a goopy mess! I feel so bad for him. We were suppose to go apple picking on Friday but I suppose that is out of the question. Our family Halloween party is Saturday and I doubt he will be better by then. Brad offered to stay home with Jacob while Logan and I go so at least we'll have fun:) I told Jake that Logan would collect his "treats" for him as long as he is good for daddy. Poor guy, I know he would have LOVED it!

We have been having sleeping issues with Jake for some time now. He, still at 2 years old, needs mommy or daddy to lay with him to fall asleep. Now that he is 2 1/2 I think he should be able to fall asleep on his own. So today is day 1 and I used the Super Nanny tactic. I put him in his bed and every time he got up I would go in there and lay him back down. He kept getting up and looking out the window, or reading his books and I even caught him trying to climb up on his headboard. Finally after only 40 minutes, I went in there and he was ASLEEP!! With NO crying! I expected at least an hour for the first day. So we'll see how it goes tonight! I know Brad is excited that he possibly won't have to lay with him in there anymore (sometimes it takes up to an hour).

So that's that. It's a gross, yucky day and I am going to go clean:)

Monday, October 6, 2008

I am a lucky girl

I feel like such a lucky mom today. Even though Jake was a terrible 2 year old today, I feel lucky that my kids are happy and healthy!

Jacob is finally getting out of his Thomas obsession stage, thank goodness! Now when we are at the store and he can see a Thomas toy or something he says "don't like it". I am especially happy about this because those darn trains are expensive!! And quite frankly I think Thomas is annoying, but I put up with it because it was his new "favorite thing" for a couple weeks.

I think we are entering our terrible two's finally. Today he ran from me. He has never done that before and it scared me to death. Luckily I had two extra set of hands to help me and run after him. I think it also had a lot to do with his lack of sleep. He has had itchy hands and feet for about 2 weeks now and it's keeping him up at night. We took him to the doctor but she said it wasn't anything but dry skin and allergies. Poor kid itches all night long.

Logan is becoming my little explorer. I never had to baby proof the house completely because Jake never cared to get into things, but my goodness Logan does. He will find the tiniest speck on the floor and try and eat. Go figure he won't eat solids but he'll eat dust and lint of the floor! He also is obsessed with the light sockets, which scares me! He sure loves giving mommy a run for her money.

We have been pretty busy with fall activities the past couple days:) It makes the days go faster and makes it almost closer to Christmas!!