Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Couting down the days

Jacob keeps asking me if it's Friday yet. He has been doing this since Monday because he knows he gets to go Trick or Treating on Friday:) I have tried and tried to get him to say Trick or Treat, but he will only do it for Brad and I and as soon as we get around people he says "Please Peoples" which is so cute in itself.

We carved two pumpkins this week. Jacob wanted nothing to do with it really because he thought it was full of cheese and we don't play with our cheese. Logan on the other hand was trying so hard to get inside the pumpkin.
Logan learned something new this week! He can clap his hands now:) As soon as you say "yahhh" he starts clapping and it almost sounds as though he is trying to say "yah" now. Another reminder that my baby isn't such a baby anymore. He has slept through the night twice this week, too! Such big milestones for such a little guy!

Jacob has been showing interest in the potty again! Hopefully I can get his butt back in big boy underwear before Christmas! It's so hard because I know he can do it since he was 100% trained for almost 5 months. He'll get there:)

We are still on the hunt for a bigger house. And my baby fever is still around. ;)

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