Monday, November 10, 2008

Gushin about Jacob

I feel like gushing about Jacob today. I feel like he is growing to fast and it makes me sad. Last night he was talking to Nana about berries and it hit me that he is such a big boy. A couple months ago he couldn't say berries. He would say "mommy look, booies" It was the cutest thing and I didn't ever catch it on video and now I feel like that memory is gone forever. It makes me sad to think I'll never hear him say "booies" again.

His new thing is taking his shopping cart to each room to go "shopping". The other night he told Brad and I he was going to Meijer and then Target and he'd be right back. When he came back in the room we asked him what he got. He said "Milk, eggs, chocolate ice cream, snacks and Jacob used coupons!" We about died laughing. He was so proud of himself for using coupons! Just like his mama:)

When he rides his car he always says "gotta go mom, gotta get some gas, see ya next time, love you" all at once. I think Santa may bring him a little tikes gas pump this year. He loves filling his cars up with gas.

I just feel like all of the cute baby things he did are gone forever. I must invest in a video camera. Maybe Santa will bring me one:)

Jake's favorite thing now is tattoos like Papa's. He cannot get enough of them, which makes for easy stocking stuffers. He shows random people in the store and loves the put them on his belly. Let's hope this phase passes before he turns 18:) (excuse the fingerprints on the TV, Logan loves to hit it all day long)

Slow down little guy, mommy isn't ready for this. Sleeping in your own bed, going to bed without mommy and daddy lying with you, getting your own snacks from the snack cupboard and wanting to stay the night at nana and papa's. Mommy isn't ready for this yet, buddy:(

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