Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yah me!

I don't ever blog about myself because honestly nothing ever exciting happens to me. I started weight watchers a week ago. I have been really strict on myself...even giving up pop completely!! Well it all paid off because in my first week I lost 5.6 pounds!!!! I got my special 5lb sticker and a little "hooray party" It was so exciting! I actually almost cried when she asked me what this meant to me and I explained how it's been really hard getting pregnant this time around because of the extra weight I am carrying and all I want for Christmas is to lose my 35lbs and get pregnant. It was bittersweet! So yah me! I'm off to a great start!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I suck at blogging

I'm trying to blog more, but by the time I remember to get on here to write one of the kids needs me and well you know how that goes.

The boys had their doctor's appointments today. Jacob was there for his 3 year appointment. When we got in the office he said "Where is Dr. Haider" It was so cute because it was the first time he ever remember his name! Which I love since he is going to preschool and will know this one his own! Oh yah and he also knows his full name, his mom and dads full name his brothers. Ok ok off track. Jacob loves stepping on the big boy scale! He weighs 36lbs!! He is 38' tall now, too! Everything went well and Jacob got his medical go ahead for preschool!

Logan was there for his 18 month appointment. Oh how Logan hates the doctors. As soon as the nurse asked him to sit on the scale, he screamed. When the nursed took his temp he cried. When the nurse measured his head, he screamed. Oh man and when he had to lay down to be measure he freaked out! But of course as soon as they are done he is peachy! He wasn't to sure about Dr. Haider until he saw his big brother give him a hug. Then it wasn't to bad :) Logan had to get one shot today, but he did awesome! Of course the sucker afterwards helped! Logan still weighs 24lbs! He has been 24lbs since 11 months old! He is 32".

So both boys are growing like weeds and doing well! We are trying to enjoy our cool summer and anxiously waiting our favorite time of year, fall and winter!! We are so excited for Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas with the boys this year!!

Stayed tuned for pictures!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer 2009

Summer 2009 is already flying by so fast! I feel like I never have a minute to update this. I'm going to try some more because I want to try and print this off at the end of the year for the boys' scrapbooks.

Let's see what have we been doing? We had a surprise birthday party for my dad on the 3rd of July and then afterwards we all went to the fireworks. We got there at 6:30pm and the fireworks didn't start until 10:15pm so I was a little worried how the boys would be for 4 hours. They were awesome! My dad took Jacob to go get his face painted but he chickened out and got his arm done instead.
Logan had a blast rolling around all over the ground. He was dancing to the music and waving at the all the people! Logan also had a first at the fireworks! Funnel Cake! He sat down with Nana and Aunt Misty and loved it! He was taking his little pieces and dipping it in the powdered sugar! So cute!
Stay tuned since we are hopefully planning our first camping trip soon!