Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer 2009

Summer 2009 is already flying by so fast! I feel like I never have a minute to update this. I'm going to try some more because I want to try and print this off at the end of the year for the boys' scrapbooks.

Let's see what have we been doing? We had a surprise birthday party for my dad on the 3rd of July and then afterwards we all went to the fireworks. We got there at 6:30pm and the fireworks didn't start until 10:15pm so I was a little worried how the boys would be for 4 hours. They were awesome! My dad took Jacob to go get his face painted but he chickened out and got his arm done instead.
Logan had a blast rolling around all over the ground. He was dancing to the music and waving at the all the people! Logan also had a first at the fireworks! Funnel Cake! He sat down with Nana and Aunt Misty and loved it! He was taking his little pieces and dipping it in the powdered sugar! So cute!
Stay tuned since we are hopefully planning our first camping trip soon!

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