Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's a......

Well we decided to find out what we are having afterall. Brad and I rescheduled our ultrasound for this week and decided not to tell anyone. It was extremely hard not telling my mom because I wanted to scream "We're gonna know soon!!!!"

We went into the office and the tech was focusing on the babies face most of the time because that's what my midwife ordered. He/She has the cutest little face and little nose. He/She likes to suck their thumb already and is curled up nicely in mommy's belly.

Finally it was time to look between the legs. I was so nervous! I knew I would have been happy with whatever we saw, but I was still so nervous! At first she could get the baby to open it's legs.
And then....there it was.....clear as day.....

The newest member of our house.....will be a little princess named Emmerson <3

We are over the moon excited!! Brad is still in shock! Jacob can't stop talking about his baby sister named Emmerson that we can call Emme, too!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Congrats! Girls are so fun. Enjoy getting some pink in your house.