Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 6-10

Hmmm, I got a little behind so let me see if I remember what we did ;)

Day 6- We woke up and painted our yearly ornaments. Jacob just wanted to hurry up so he could sprinkle glitter on it. Logan had such a great time! He loves anything artsy this was right up his ally. Jacob painted a snowman and Logan painted a Santa. After they dried, they both picked spots on the tree they wanted their ornaments to go. I can't wait for them to look at their yearly ornaments when they are older....

That night we went to the Lights Before Christmas at the zoo. Nana, Papa, Misty and Alex joined us. Logan LOVED every minute of this! It was a bit chilly, but the boys did awesome! I think Jacob's favorite part was the Hot Cocoa!

Day 7- We did our gingerbread house Monday night after dinner. I hot glued it this year so the boys wouldn't pull it apart. It worked perfectly! Jacob had a great time decorating it and I think Logan put one gum drop on the house and 10 in his mouth :)

Day 8- Mama was lazy this night so we watched Christmas movies!! The boys didn't mind a bit :) Oh yah and we ate Christmas cookies! That counts right? :)

Day 9- Ok ok mama had another lazy night! I made chili for dinner because it was FREEZING and Nana and Papa came over and watched a Christmas movie with us!

Day 10- We painted paper plate wreaths after nap time and the boys decorated them with gems. Again, I think Logan had the most fun! He just loves to paint and color. After dinner we went to this little museum and saw Santa and Mrs. Claus. Jacob went right up to him and sat on his lap and told him just what he wanted for Christmas. Logan wouldn't go near him so I had to inch as close as I could to get him in a picture. Afterwards Mrs. Claus gave the boys a candy cane and Logan decided it was ok to give Santa high five! We went and looked around at all the Christmas trees in the museum! It turned out to be a great night!! I'm tired ;)


Ruth Chowdhury said...

I love reading about your kids & especially the Christmas activities. But you know what else I liked about this blog? I finally saw a belly pic of you! :) You're looking great!

Scribbles and Splatters said...

Lily is afraid of Santa too (she sat on his lap but wouldn't look at him) Maybe next year they won't be afraid?
Cute activities and I love the baby belly! I miss mine ;)