Thursday, January 6, 2011


I'm trying to get back into this whole blog thing, so bare with me as I'm trying to make it over as well. I use to be really good at writing in this all the time, then I had Emmerson ;)

Not only that but I started my own business so things have been very busy around here!

I guess this first post will just be an update on the kids :)

Let's start with Jacob. Jacob is 4 1/2 and is already talking about kindergarten like crazy :( We've been getting flyers in the mail almost every day with invitations about open houses so I guess it's time. It gives me panic attacks to think about him being away from me all day. I keep asking him if he wants to stay at his preschool one more year so he can go to school with Logan and he says "nope I'm ready for kindergarten"

Logan has hit the terrible 3's a couple weeks early. It's been extremely difficult around here with sharing and going to bed. I've said this before but he was born the middle child :) His birthday is around the corner and he has requested a scooby doo birthday :)

Emmerson...oh Emmerson. She is almost 10 months old and has been walking since the day she turned 9 months old. Brad and I always call her little diva and she holds up to that name. Everyone warned me how different girls and boys were as babies. Now I believe it. If the girl doesn't get what she wants, she falls flat on the floor and bangs her head into the floor and screams. It's hilarious almost. It's a preview of her teenage years and it scares Brad and I to death :)

As of now I'm enjoying life with my 3 little monkeys and trying to get through all the craziness! I'm hoping I can really come back to blogging again!

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