Wednesday, August 27, 2008


How could you be mad at a face like that?

So you can now call my house the cootie house now. All of us our sick except Brad. I woke up to Logan choking while nursing because his nosed was so stuffed and me with a scratchy throat. Blah, the one thing I hate about the weather change.

I went to a little get together with the mom's group yesterday. There was a professional organizer there 'trying' to teach us how to get organized, though I think I got more ideas from the fellow mom's more than I got from her.

I also go tons of amazing advice from all the girls. They all know and are so understand when it comes to Logan's "problems". Nicole let me borrow her "NO Cry Sleep Solution" book and I feel good about it. I just started reading it today.

I left the meeting determined to stop breastfeeding. I walked through the door and the house was quiet for the first time. The boys were playing with daddy in Jake's room and Logan didn't even cry when he first saw me. He ALWAYS freaks out when I'm gone for a while and then cries until I nurse him. He was fine. I think that was my sign not to stop. He's fine when I leave for a couple hours, and I'll start pumping to leave a bottle just in case he gets hungry. Like the girls said "He'll eat if he's that hungry" I feel good about that decision.

So here we are stuck in the house....:)


cnbsmom said...

(((HUGS)))) I hope you all feel better soon!!!!

Ruth Chowdhury said...

Oh my goodness; he is so adorable in that pic & he looks just like Jake! :) Yeah, how could you resist that little guy? Glad you were encouraged last night. Like you said, this too shall pass. They'll be grown before we know it!