Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Frenzy

It's been so crazy around here this week, which is why I haven't had a chance to sit down and write in here.

Let's see, where do we start?

Logan got his top two teeth last week! They came all the way out in about 3 days, which was a horrible 3 days for me because he wouldn't sleep and used me as a teether. But now they are out and as cute as can be:) He even has the same big gap like Jake;) He is crawling with no problem now and is into everything! I take him in for his 9 month appointment tomorrow so I'm excited to see how much he weighs:) Yup, he's 9 months old tomorrow! I can't believe in a short 3 months he will be 1 year old. I just can't believe it!

Jacob is been, well he has been a bit of a handful. He has more good days than bad, but the bad days stink:) One a good note, he is sleeping on his own now. Sometimes it takes a couple times going in his room to lay him back down, but most times he falls asleep with no problem once I shut the light off.

I finally am going to the gym to kick my butt back into shape. I want to wear my size 6 jeans again before I get pregnant again!

Fall festivities are keeping us busy for the next two weeks. We have Boo at the Zoo on Thursday, Trick or Treating at Levis Commons on Friday, Old Navy Trick or Treating Saturday morning and then a Halloween Hike Saturday evening. Sunday we are going to the zoo again for the Pumpkin Path. We are exhausted but in a good way:)

1 comment:

Scribbles and Splatters said...

Logan looks so much older in the picture in the skeleton outfit! I can't believe in only three months he will be ONE! I love the little gap in the front teeth- Lily has one too :)