Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Catch up

It's been so crazy around here I forgot to update my blog;) Let's start with Thanksgiving. We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving. Jacob and I made turkey cupcakes on Thanksgiving Eve. Jacob had a blast with the sprinkles and suprisingly barely ate any of the cupcakes as he was decorating. I gave Logan a plain cupcake in hopes that he would eat it, but he just threw it at me. Seriously, who doesn't love cupcakes??

We had my family over for Thanksgiving and I was in charge of all of the sides and desserts. They were all so yummy and my Tiramsu Trifle was everyones favorite!! I definetly will make that again!

Jacob and Logan both had a blast putting our Christmas Tree up. Logan was more interested in eating the ornaments (go figure) and Jacob put every ornament that we handed him on the same branch:) We had to gate off our entire tree because Logan was trying to pull it down before we even had it half up.

What's new with the boys? Well Logan is almost walking. He'll take a few steps and then fall. The other day he took 2 steps and then stopped and took 2 again! I wonder if he will be walking by Christmas?? How exciting for him, but poor Jake has no idea what is coming his way when Logan can walk:)

Jacob has been a handful the past week. He has been fighting with naps and bedtime. As soon as we lay him down, he gets back up and opens the door. It's getting really annoying and I feel like I'm a step away from losing my cool so if anyone has any advice for me that would be great.

1 comment:

Our Own Special Way said...

What cute pjs. And the gate around the tree - great idea!

I hope Jacob's naps get better soon!