Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Logan!

It's so hard to believe that you are a year old today. I didn't think I would get so emotional like I did with Jacob, but I did. Seeing you today at the mall playing with the big kids and even sliding down the slide all by yourself got me very teary eyed. It's like you woke up this morning and said "Oh, I guess I'll be a big boy today".

I still remember every little detail about your birth. I remember waking up from sleeping with Jacob and having pretty strong contractions. We thought we would let daddy and Jacob sleep since my labor with Jake was 10 hours long. By the time we got the hospital and hooked up to the monitor my contractions were coming about every 2 minutes. Daddy walked in right as you were coming out.

You took to breastfeeding right away. I think you came out looking for it and you are still the exact same way today. Although nursing you all night gets to mommy sometimes, I love it just as much because it is our special time. I think I will be very sad when you decide to stop nursing.

Your first few months home were...well let's be honest...horrible! You were a very colicky baby. You nursed all day long and cried when you weren't nursing. I think it was around 7 months that you started to turn around. You were so mean to your daddy when you were a baby. No one could hold you or calm you down except mommy. But now, you are quite the little daddy's boy. You still your mommy more than anyone, but it melts my heart when you see your daddy come through the front door and raise your hands and say "dada". It melts his heart just as much. He has been waiting a long time for you to come around.

You love your bubby so much. You want to play with all his toys and be around him all the time. I think you started walking so early (10 months) because you wanted to keep up with him. I know he doesn't want you around so much now, but just guys will be the best of friends soon enough.

I love you very much baby, slow down a little bit for mommy and let me enjoy you this little.


Kelli said...

Happy Birthday Logan!

Scribbles and Splatters said...

Awww- it's gonna make me cry! Why do they have to grow up so fast??? I hope you all are enjoying this special day!

nana said...

Happy Birthday Logan! And congrats Brandi (and Brad) - you've done a great job with those little guys... we are very proud of you both. Love, Nana and Papa.

Our Own Special Way said...

WOW! One already! I think I remember a story where you went out to Target one night and this little man gave your hubby a hard time, in turn giving you a hard time. Seems like only yesterday my little man was doing the same. They grow TOO FAST! Happy Birthday Logan!!!!