Monday, February 9, 2009


Yup, it hit us. The dreaded pukes that has been going around for months and months has finally hit us...and boy did it hit us hard. I started early Saturday and the boys followed slowly after. It has been a nasty nasty weekend and I am happy to say we are slowly feeling better.

Poor Jacob doesn't understand. He gets so upset when he pukes. It's like he thinks it's bad thing and he's going to get in trouble. We put him in diapers just in case since with this bug comes the runs, but he never had an accident the first day so he went back in his undies and was able to tell us every time he had to go.

Logan threw up a couple times, but he was easy since his diet mostly consist of milk. Speaking of, my milk has taken a drastic turn. I can tell my supply has dropped so much. I couldn't eat or drink anything for almost 3 days. Logan has been getting so mad while nursing because he's once over supply isn't there anymore. I was really torn between just letting it dry up or to follow with my plans of child led weaning. I guess we'll see what happens.

Luckily daddy didn't catch the bug and was able to help us all weekend, thank goodness, because I really don't know how we would have made it through.

So that's why I haven't been around. I will try and upload some pictures this weekend!

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