Friday, November 14, 2008


I just want to post these so I remember them forever.

Daddy: "Jacob, that chocolate pudding on your face looks like poop"
Jacob: "Yummy poopy, Jacob eat poopy"
*5 minutes later*
Jacob: (while playing with his pudding) "Look mommy, poo art"

Mommy: "Jacob, quit being mean to your brother"
Jacob: "Mommy, quit being a turkey yak yak yak"

Mommy: "Jakey, can mommy sit in the wagon with you"
Jacob: "No mommy too fat"

I can't think of anymore at the moment. He is such a ham anymore. I can't believe some of the things he has been saying.

I want to print this blog out at the end of the year and want to remember all these silly things he says:)


Linda Hernandez said...

ahh...I love it!

Our Own Special Way said...

That's hilarious! It's nice to have the blog to write these things down!

KatieS. said...

Those are hilarious! I think I actually laughed out loud! What a funny little boy.