Friday, November 7, 2008

An update...finally!!

Well I finally can update, but with no pictures this time. I know I know a blog update with no pictures is boring but we have had snotty noses all week and snotty nose pictures are gross:)

The boys are doing great! Jacob was pretty sick on Halloween and only wanted to walk for about 5 minutes before wanting me to carry him the whole way home. Around 8pm he wanted to go trick or treating again so my mom and I took him around the block to collect some more candy. One good thing about going trick or treating 30 minutes before it ends is that people are trying to get rid of all their candy so they were pouring it in Jacob's bag. He luckily hasn't even asked for it to much so he hasn't been filled up on sugar!

Logan loved riding in the wagon watching Jacob go door to door. A couple people even came to give Logan treats, too, which he loved playing with. He has turned around so much. He is such a delight most of the time. Of course, we still have the hooked to mama's hip problem, but he's actually eating food and not nursing nearly as much as he use to. Actually last night he ate a whole plate of macaroni and slept all night! His new favorite thing is clapping his hands and saying "yah". It's to cute;) He just learned how to shake his head no, too. I think it's to early to be telling his mama no, but it's cute anyways.

We have been talking to Jacob a lot about Santa Clause and now every time he finds a toy that he likes I tell him that we have to add it in his letter to Santa and he says "please Santa" :) Christmas is going to be so much fun this year. I can't wait to put all the decorations up and take the boys for a drive to look at the Christmas lights with their hats and gloves and cocoa:) I love it!

Anyways that's all that is happening in our world right now. I'll try and update with pictures later.

1 comment:

Our Own Special Way said...

Sorry about the boogies this week but it sounds like Halloween was fun!