Monday, February 16, 2009

Birthday party pictures! (a month late) and updates

Jacob opening his "big brother" gift

Logan sort of opening his!

Playing with his cupcake
My cute birthday boy!

Jake had no problem eating it!

So sue me....Logan has a bad mommy! I can't find time to post on here and usually when I do find time somebody wakes up before I finish typing this.

Logan had a great birthday party! We had yummy food and he got lots and lots of Elmo presents! He of course wouldn't touch his cupcake, but liked playing with it! Jacob had no problem eating his share:)

And now an update on the boys.

Oh my Jacob is becoming such a little character. He keeps me laughing all day with the things he says. His new thing is telling us that he's not a kid anymore. Who knew he would grow up so fast! He is 100% potty trained and we don't even have to ask him if he has to go pee anymore, he just tells us whenever he needs to go. He loves outside and I can't wait for spring/summer so we can spend our days outside.

Logan is slowly growing up. He still loves to nurse, but is doing great at night! He has cut down his night nursings almost in half and during the day he is easily distracted by food or cups when he wants to nurse! Soon enough! He is trying to talk, but the only words I have been able to understand is "Bad, fishy, dada, mama, ball and up" When he walks into the room Jacob always says "Here comes that trouble boy" LOL

They have been playing together lately. Usually when they are both in Jakes room there is screaming and crying, but the other day it was completely quiet. We went in there and they had pulled the drawers under Jacobs bed out and they were both sitting in there playing. They sat there for almost 45 minutes!

Ahh brotherly love! We'll get there someday! Stay tuned:)

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