Friday, February 20, 2009

No pictures for a little while

Why you ask? Oh yah it's because I dropped our lens in the bathtub. I was giving the boys a bath and decided that I wanted to take a picture of them because they were being so darn cute and being nice to each other!! Well then little Logan decided to "swim" in the water and I of course jumped after him and so did my lens. Gah! So basically it's $200 to get a new one and well we'll have to wait and see when we get it!

On a good note, my boys are being extra lovable today! They have been very sweet to each other. We don't get many days like this. Usually they are fighting over toys, even though we have millions of them. Today they both were playing with silence!! I think we are slowly getting there.

When I was pregnant with Logan I would often day dream about how our lives would be as a family of 4. I didn't think about Logan as a baby and Jake holding him. I didn't think about them reading books together. I thought of them in the first summer that Logan was walking. I thought of them playing outside and swinging. I thought of them running through the sprinkler together and playing with bubbles. I cannot wait until this spring/summer. I can't wait to see their sun kissed little faces playing and running together. This is why the chaos of having two kids 19 months apart is worth it!

Jacob was coloring at the table the other day and he was singing a funny song. I was talking to Brad and said " I don't know where this kid came from" and Jacob replied " I came from Disney World mommy" LOL

It keeps getting better and better!


Kelli said...

OMG, the lens in the bathtub! ARGH! I can't wait for summer. Jacob's comment, sooo funny!

Scribbles and Splatters said...

Sorry about your lens! Do you have your old camera to take pictures with?