Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jumping in the cuddles

AKA Jumping in the puddles. I keep telling him they are called puddles but he doesn't care..he loves to "jump in the the cuddles" With all the rain we have been having we decided it would be cute to go get Jacob a new pair of rain boots and a rain coat. Ahhh Toddlerhood:)

AKA Jumping in the puddles. I keep telling him they are called puddles but he doesn't care..he loves to "jump in the the cuddles" With all the rain we have been having we decided it would be cute to go get Jacob a new pair of rain boots and a rain coat.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dear Logan (14 months)

Dear Logie-
I am writing your letter a couple days early this time:) How about that for a first:) You are almost 14 months old! How in the heck did that happen? You are such a unique little guy. You love your mommy with all that you've got. You love your daddy, too:) Your face lights up when daddy walks through the door everyday.

You love playing outside! With the nicer weather that has come out way you've been able to play outside a lot the past 2 days. I have a feeling it's going to be easier to wean Logan once it's nice outside all the time. You were out there for hours the other day and didn't ask to nurse at all. You didn't even care that mommy was even there:)

I have Monday marked on the calender as our night weaning day. It's been marked for a couple weeks so I'm anxious to see how it goes. I don't mind nursing you still, but night time has to stop. It's killing mommy:)

You walk around saying "iss iss" and give out kisses. You say "all done" when you are done eating. Speaking of have been doing awesome eating lately!

I am so proud of the little man that you are becoming. I love you Logie.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jacob (33 months)

Dear Jacob-
Mommy has been really bad at keeping up with your letters lately. I am 11 days late this month:)
Right now I am trying hard to type this and you are laying on the couch kicking me because you refused to take a nap today. So instead of laying quietly on the couch like mommy asked you to, you are kicking me trying to get my attention:)

You are going through a bit of separation anxiety again. I decided to hit the gym today and took you to the kids area. You have never had a problem before but today you cried and held my leg and told me not to go. I snuck out and about 15 minutes later I was called back in the room. I thought it was because of your stubborn little brother, but I was surprised to hear it was you. She said you had been crying since I left. When I went to pick you up you were sobbing and breathing really hard. I asked you why you were so upset and you told me that you didn't want me to get lost. Poor guy, I think you are afraid that I'll leave and not come back. How do you explain that a 2 1/2 year old?

You still have such a crazy personality. The other day you were playing with your salami and you ripped a hole in it. You then put it on your finger and told me it was your purse:)

You told daddy the other as you were riding your new bike that you got it on sale...1/2 price:) I tell you what little are 100% your mama;)

You call play-doh (playdate) and tell me your not ready to give up your nukie yet. I think we may have to put a call in to the Nuk fairy soon because sweet boy...3 year olds do not need pacifiers at bedtime.

Speaking of, you are making a big move in the next month. We are converting our master bedroom into a room for you and your bubby to share. I'm hoping it helps you both sleep a little better:)

I love you sweet pea. I am sad that you are almost 3. It doesn't seem possible that you are almost in preschool. Slow down doodlebop....mommy isn't ready for all this yet.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We finally found a preschool! We went to look at our top choice today, and as soon as I walked in the doors I knew I would love it! We met with one of the teachers and she asked Jacob if he was ready to walk around and see the classrooms, and he was a little scared at first but followed her around! We went and checked out the kids in gym playing with the parachutes and Jacob couldn't take his eyes off it. I could tell he wanted to play, but today was the 4 year old group and of course he would get knocked over in minutes;)

Then we went and checked out all the classrooms. I loved how each classroom was themed. I don't remember what color it was, but he loved the classroom with all the kitchen and cleaning stuff, even over the one with the trucks and trains! Logan loved it, too, and screamed when I told them it was time to go. The teacher commented on much in love Jacob was with his brother and how sweet he was to him:) Made me think maybe I'm doing something right here;)

As we were walking out, the pastor stopped us and was talking to Jacob. Jacob told him he that he had a boo boo on his finger and the pastor told Jacob to ask Jesus to make it feel better. I was afraid of what his reply would be, but instead he look at him and said "Oh, I love jesus" :) It made me so proud:)

So we love and are very excited to start this fall! Of course Jacob can't stop talking about it! The zoo is pretty close to the school and I figure in the fall Logan and I can go hang out there once in a while and have our bonding time while Jake is at school:) I'm excited but scared! I can't believe he's almost in preschool! How did that happen so fast??