Monday, March 16, 2009

Jacob (33 months)

Dear Jacob-
Mommy has been really bad at keeping up with your letters lately. I am 11 days late this month:)
Right now I am trying hard to type this and you are laying on the couch kicking me because you refused to take a nap today. So instead of laying quietly on the couch like mommy asked you to, you are kicking me trying to get my attention:)

You are going through a bit of separation anxiety again. I decided to hit the gym today and took you to the kids area. You have never had a problem before but today you cried and held my leg and told me not to go. I snuck out and about 15 minutes later I was called back in the room. I thought it was because of your stubborn little brother, but I was surprised to hear it was you. She said you had been crying since I left. When I went to pick you up you were sobbing and breathing really hard. I asked you why you were so upset and you told me that you didn't want me to get lost. Poor guy, I think you are afraid that I'll leave and not come back. How do you explain that a 2 1/2 year old?

You still have such a crazy personality. The other day you were playing with your salami and you ripped a hole in it. You then put it on your finger and told me it was your purse:)

You told daddy the other as you were riding your new bike that you got it on sale...1/2 price:) I tell you what little are 100% your mama;)

You call play-doh (playdate) and tell me your not ready to give up your nukie yet. I think we may have to put a call in to the Nuk fairy soon because sweet boy...3 year olds do not need pacifiers at bedtime.

Speaking of, you are making a big move in the next month. We are converting our master bedroom into a room for you and your bubby to share. I'm hoping it helps you both sleep a little better:)

I love you sweet pea. I am sad that you are almost 3. It doesn't seem possible that you are almost in preschool. Slow down doodlebop....mommy isn't ready for all this yet.

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