Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crazy days

It has been a couple of crazy days around here. As I'm writing this Logan is dumping Jake's toys out his toy box and Jake is dumping all of his puzzles all over the floor. Yup, and guess who has to clean them all up tonight? :)

Logan turned 8 months old on Monday and boy does it seem like he has grown a bunch! He just looks so big to me. Even Brad said something about how he doesn't even seem like a little baby anymore. I can tell Brad is really ready for another baby (or at least to try for one) but we all know the story there. It won't be for another year or two before we try. It makes me sad, but I know it's best for my family right now.

I had a lady come over yesterday to interview for a child care position I'm trying to get. While she was here, she asked Jake if it would be ok if there was another baby here all day and Jake said "Jacob want a baby sister" lol. I should know this week if I got that gig or not.

Jacob has been a bear the past two days.. He has refused naps and that's so not like him! He has been taking 2-3 hour naps for the past 18 months! Oh I hope he's not giving up naps already!! So the past two nights he has been going to bed at 7:30pm, which is actually pretty nice! But I'd rather have that 2-3 hours of peace during the day!

He is still telling me to get out of the bathroom when he has to potty, too! He sits there and reads his magazine and doesn't want to get out lol. So much like his nana:)

It's going to be a busy next month for us! There are so many things on our calender. Apple Butter Fest, Pumpkin Farms, Apple picking, Boo at the Zoo and of course Halloween! There are 3 mom's night outs in October and one Family Night out, so our weekends are booked solid! It will make the month fly by and soon it will be Christmas!!

Ok I'm getting ahead of myself now;)

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