Wednesday, September 3, 2008

End of Summer

We had a fun end of summer play date yesterday. A friend of Jacob's had a outdoor birthday party. It was a tad bit hot outside, but it didn't seem to bother Jake. He had a blast! He played by himself and barely noticed I was there, which everyone knows doesn't ever happen since he's so attached to me. He was swimming by himself and even was playing in the slip and slide. Today we went to the park with a couple friends and he was actually playing and talking. I think he may be finally outgrowing his "I need only mommy" stage. It makes me sad and happy at the same time.

There is finally some improvement with Logan!! I was afraid to post it on here because I didn't want to jinx it, but I think we're ok to talk about it:) He actually ate a meal on Friday, some avacado, carrots and a banana. He hasn't tried anything since then, but it's a start! He only nursed 4 times last night! This is amazing considering it use to be every hour.

My babes are growing up.

Well I must go get the little stinker in bed now before Logan wakes up from his nap:)

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