Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We are finally cootie free in our house! Thank goodness! It's been a long two weeks and we are ready to see our friends again!

Jacob is doing great! He had a potty accident this morning and he looked at me with his big blue eyes and said "accidents happen" lol. How could you be mad after a statement like that:) He's been sleeping great in his big boy bed all night long and is talking like you wouldn't believe.

Logan is blossoming. He is becoming *gasp* a little boy. He doesn't seem like a baby to me anymore. He is "crawling" so fast. I took Jake to the potty today and came out and couldn't find Logan. He had crawled all the way to the kitchen and was heading to his favorite spot: under the table! He says dada all day and now says baba and mmmm and smacks his lips when he wants to nurse.

Slow down little guys, I have a feeling it's going to be a while before mommy has another baby so let me enjoy this!

Brad and I are doing great as well. Brad has his daddy night out last night with my dad. They went to a football party. My mommy night out is Saturday and I'm so excited! I don't have to rush to get home to feed Logan since he's taking a bottle! Woo hoo!

Time to go clean since both boys are sleeping!

1 comment:

nana said...

Those are two really wonderful little boys... and you guys are doing a fantastic job as parents. Always remember this.... "The character of your children tomorrow, depends on what you put in their hearts today". (yes, I still have that hanging on my wall :)