Thursday, September 11, 2008


Logan has said his first word. Go figure it's dada!! Brad is just thrilled! I can see him smirk every time Logan says it, which is about every 3 minutes! Another reminder that my baby is growing up!

I took the boys to the doctor yesterday and Jake weighs a whopping 33 pounds!! I'm not starving that boy! Logan weighs 24lbs!!!

They both just have colds. The doctor said it is going around really bad and to just wait it out. Jacob has a double ear infection! This is his first one at 27 months old. I guess I should feel blessed that he hasn't had any before, but it still makes me sad. And now it makes sense why he was telling me that there were flies in his ear last week. Guess I should pay extra attention to those silly little things that he says.

So we are still here stuck in the house, but I think they are slowly getting better. Oh yah Logan only nursed ONCE last night! So nice to get some sleep!

I've gotta go, I hear my sick babies calling for mommy:)

1 comment:

Scribbles and Splatters said...

Glad they only have colds and not anything worse! Way to go Logan for saying "dada"! That is so awesome :) And only one nursing at night??? Wow :)