Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Go baby go

Guess who is crawling? Yup, my little peapod is crawling like a big boy! I can't believe the milestones we have hit in just this week. He can sit himself up all by himself now and is even trying new foods. He usually only takes a few bites, but it's a huge thing for us!

Jacob is doing good. He is a regressing a bit with the potty training but the doctor said it was normal. He has been crawling around and saying "dada" so we figure it's because he watches Logan getting attention for all of his new milestones and feels left out. Don't worry, he gets PLENTY of attention. Nana and Papa have been taking him out for special lunches dinners once a week which has helped so much! He talks about it for days! I try and take him to the store by myself when Brad gets home so he can have some one on one time with me. We'll get there eventually!

I have started watching a 9 week old on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from about 7:30am to 5:30pm. It's a lot of work. Yesterday was my first day and I was in tears by the time he left. At one point I had Logan nursing on one side and Lucas eating the bottle on the other and somehow managed to get them both asleep and in their own beds. Today was much better and I'm going to give it a couple weeks to see if we adjust. If not, then it just wasn't meant to be. My kids come first and that's what I'm looking out for.

Other than that we have been crazy busy. October is always a busy month for us. Next weekend we are going to our first Halloween party together as a family which should be exciting!


Scribbles and Splatters said...

Yay for crawling Logan! I love crawling babies! Good for you for trying to babysit a 9 week old- I'm sure it will get better :) I also can't wait for the party next week!!!

cnbsmom said...

Go Logan Go!!!! I can't believe it!!! He is getting so big so fast!!!

Our Own Special Way said...

Go go go! What's Jacob think about that? Watch out toys!